The Propelling Story

Dr. Sharon Mack Kelley
Words do Matter!

Rejecting negative words is crucial to maintaining a positive and uplifting mindset. I once accepted negative comments or criticisms as truth. As a result, I lost my creativity and sense of purpose. To change, I leaned more on my faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ. I learned how to study the bible using one word. Yes, one single word. The Word of the Lord indeed became the source of my strength. My life changed forever because of faith-based affirmations, Bible verses, and inspirational quotes that countered negative thoughts and a defeated mindset. Ultimately, I gained a stronger sense of purpose, which led me to write encouraging words and create inspiring novelties. Positive words will always drown out negative comments, resulting in a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Philippians 3:13 "...but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (NKJV)

Our Propelled by God brand is exclusively sold through Propelling Collectibles. We offer a range of novelties with inspirational quotes, including wall and desk art, keychains, tumblers, and other items to promote positive thoughts. We aim to inspire others to strive for greatness and propel forward in life. We believe that words have power, so that's why we want to help people keep encouraging words within reach. With our brand, you can always read inspiring words when and where you need them, hence keeping you in a positive mindset. No matter where you are or what you're doing, PROPEL forward with intensity, tenacity, and intentionality!

Sharon Mack Kelley, DBA,

Founder & CEO, Mack Kelley Enterprise LLC

Creator, Propelling Points and Propelled by God brand